Saturday, July 3, 2010

Back in NC and lovin' it... yeah, right.

I've been home for several days and haven't had time to do much more than the normal chores. After being in San Francisco this place is hard to get used to again. It took nearly two weeks for the manure stains on my feet to finally disappear and only two days for my feet to start looking like I never wash them. Do you have any idea what it feels like to scrub your feet with a Scotch Brite pad? Try it the next time you're feeling masochistic. It's a real hoot.

While I was gone a couple of hawks took up residence and picked off most of the chicks. There were over 30 running around when I left. Not a single chick survived. To add insult to injury, there are now foxes coming into the yard and killing whatever they can get their jaws into. When the house dogs started wailing like it was the end of the world this afternoon I looked out the window and saw a fox standing in the driveway. Jude (one of the Great Pyrs) came running but by the time he made his appearance the fox had leaped into Tinker's (rescue Hackney pony) stall and disappeared out the back. A quick headcount showed one of the older chicks I had raised in my living room was gone. She had broken her leg when she was just a few days old so I brought her in and kept her in a playpen until she was healed. She was a cutie too. I could hold out my hands and she would come for me to pick her up. Damn foxes. Until now I didn't have anything against them but that's most likely because they haven't been around before. I'm pretty pissed at them now. I don't imagine the outcome is going to be good.

To top it all off I found out I'm the subject of a serious rumor accusing me of telling tales that would ruin a young girl's work with her goats. I don't even know where to begin telling about it except to say it isn't true. I have always thought the world of the girls in that family and would never hurt them. Their mother is a control freak and not so nice a person. I could never see her again and it would be too soon but her daughters I have always loved. It has broken my heart to hear all the bullshit being told. I suppose I'll just sit back and let it all die down... if it does. This isn't the first time this particular person has set out to stir shit and cause trouble. I doubt it will be the last. Don't you get tired of people who have nothing more to do than sit around thinking up shitty things to do to other people? I wonder what it's like to have such a life? It must suck.

The best thing is that Sunday didn't forget me. I was afraid she would pout and be a diva for a few days but for once she didn't do that. She ran to me begging for goodies and lots of loving. I was more than happy to give it to her. There is nothing like massaging those big, beautiful ears of hers. I think it relaxes me just as much as it does her. I would like to go riding soon. It's been a while.

I think I need to do a series of posts identifying all the critters around this place. I will put that into production soon. I'm sure it will help if anybody reading this has a way to figure out who I'm talking about.

With everything going on I haven't been in a very cheery mood so it's probably best that I don't keep dragging on. I hope things settle down soon so I can talk about things that are more entertaining than dead chickens and a friend's betrayal. Until then...

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